What is Acupuncture? Acupuncture is a therapy where thin, solid needles are
gently inserted into specific points on your body. These needles are then moved
by hand or with mild electrical stimulation. Acupuncture is rooted in
Traditional Chinese Medicine, which believes the body has over 2,000 po..
physiotherapy uses modern equipment and techniques to provide high-quality care
and faster recovery. With the help of advanced technology, physiotherapy is more
effective than traditional methods. These tools and methods are designed to
give better results and improve patient outcomes.
Welcome to Peak Performance Physical Therapy's patient resource about ankle problems.The ankle joint acts like a hinge. But it's much more than a simple hinge joint. The ankle is actually made up of several important structures. The unique design of the ankle makes it a very stable joint. This joint..
Physical Therapy in Baton Rouge for Ankle IssuesWelcome to the Peak Performance Physical Therapy’s resource about the ankle.Ankle injuries can be a real pain, literally and figuratively. Not only can they lay you up or make you hobble around, they may cause you to banish your favorite pair of ..
Physical Therapy in Baton Rouge for ArthritisWelcome to the Peak Performance Physical Therapy’s resource about arthritis. Arthritis is one condition that can be incredibly debilitating to a sufferer of this disease. Arthritis can cause pain, inflammation, stiffness, limitation of movement, and..
What is Back PainWhen you feel Stiffness and limited Movement in your back with or without dull, constant or sharp pain in your back. Burning sensation ,stabbing sensation or numbness all the way down to the buttocks and legs or shooting pain. It can be a back pain and take it seriously.Causes of Ba..
Cardiac rehabilitation is a program
designed for patients who have undergone heart surgery. It aims to improve
heart health and overall fitness through a step-by-step exercise plan tailored
to each individual's needs.Types of Cardiac Surgeries:1. Angioplasty:
A procedure where a small ball..
Effective Physiotherapy for Cervical Pain: Alleviating Discomfort and Restoring Neck Function Introduction: As a seasoned physiotherapist, I understand the challenges and impact that cervical pain, commonly known as neck pain, can have on your daily life. I offer specialized cervic..
What is Chest Physiotherapy?
Chest physiotherapy (CPT) is a treatment that helps clear mucus from both large
and small airways in the lungs. It also helps the parts of the lung that aren't
getting enough air to expand fully.Objectives of Chest Physiotherapy:
Achieve results similar to bronchosc..
A chiropractic adjustment, also known as spinal manipulation, is a treatment where a chiropractor uses their hands or small tools to apply controlled pressure to a joint in your spine. The main goal is to improve how your spine moves and how your whole body functions. Chiropractic care is a drug-fre..
A chiropractic adjustment, also known
as spinal manipulation, is a treatment where a chiropractor uses their hands or
small tools to apply controlled pressure to a joint in your spine. The main
goal is to improve how your spine moves and how your whole body functions.
Chiropractic care is a drug..